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"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

-Helen Keller

Welcome to ERGO-Wise® where people prepare to return to work following disability.

Clients include individuals experiencing fatigue and reduced cognitive abilities (e.g., concentration) as a result of a mental health disability such as depression. Others have similar challenges due to sequelae of other conditions including cancer and post-concussion.

As founder and owner, I am proud to have been offering cognitive work hardening in Ottawa since 2000 through my bridge2work® program.

My doctoral research provided support for the role of cognitive work hardening in return-to-work and for the clinical approach that earned me the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists’ Innovative Practice Award.

ERGO-Wise’s innovative services provide individuals with solutions to their personal and work-related needs resulting in:

  • improved work performance

  • more effective communication strategies

  • increased return-to-work success

  • reduced disability costs

Improved Work Performance

rebuild cognitive abilities and other work skills to enhance work ability

More Effective Communication

learn how to be more assertive to better handle interpersonal relationships

Increased Return-to-Work Success

customized preparation for return-to-work increases likelihood of success

Reduced Disability Costs

return-to-work success is a win-win-win for the individual, the employer, and the insurer 

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